BIEAF 2024
The 21st Busan International Environment Art Festival
- Old Future -
BIEAF is the initials of the 'Busan International Environment Art Festival.' The theme of the 21st BIEAF is 'Old Future.' What will we look like if we look back on all the things we promised in the past one day in the future? The present is what we promised brilliantly in the past. By the way, Are we happy now? 'The present' always makes us reflect.Now we have to philosophy the future life from the true human form. It is very important to find human nature and communicate with nature. The BIEAF is not just an environmental event where works are displayed, but a promise for the future that artists shout about. It aims to capture a larger human future beyond the environment, race, religion, borders, and language in the BIEAF2024 'Old Future'. Please join us BIEAF2024.

The 21st BIEAF : 390 artists from 65 countries


If you participated as a BIEAF2024 artist, you can apply for a certificate.
From December 1st to 25th